Shine Your Light With Hope

Shine Your Light With Hope
Transform All The Energy You Possess With All The New Energy You Discover Into A Light That Shines Around You, Within You, And Above You.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Believe That Everything Is Possible

"I'm passionately involved in life: I love its change, its color, its movement. To be alive, to be able to see, to walk, to have houses, music, paintings-it's all a miracle."
-Arthur Rubinstein

I think that it is so important that you refuse to allow yourself to have low expectations about what you are capable of doing, creating, and knowing. It is important that you understand what really lives inside you. It is like an imaginary candle flame within you that burns so brightly REGARDLESS of what goes before you. And it's this inner flame that represents the idea that you are capable of manifesting miracles in your life.

We have all had our share of experiences were we had to overcome something that was considered impossible or some type of spontaneous healing. It is through these experiences that each of us at one point or time end up going through a complete reversal of personality. It is important to understand that we must have a sense of self. A mind that is open to everything, which means being peaceful, radiating love, practicing forgiveness, being generous, respecting all life, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, visualizing yourself as capable of doing anything that you can conceive of in your MIND and HEART.

We all have this unique gift that lives inside each and every one of us. We possess so much strength and the beauty of miracles is all around us, BUT we must truly believe and know it within ourselves. It is important that you understand that what you think about expands ("As a man thinketh, so is he"). If your thoughts are filled with doubt and your mind is closed, unfortunately you will of necessity act upon those closed-minded doubts. BUT, if you should decide to have a mind that is open to everything, then you will act upon that inner energy, and you'll be the creator as well as the recipient of MIRACLES wherever you are.

In order to grow and have an open mind to EVERYTHING, you must open yourself up to the spiritual ideas of all people, and listen with an open mind to crazy schemes and ideas that at first seem to be outrageous. If someone suggests that natural herbs can lower cholesterol or that levitation is possible, IT IS OKAY TO LISTEN AND BE CURIOUS. Most of us must let go of attachments to what we have been trained to believe. Open your mind to all possibilities, because whether you believe something is possible or impossible, EITHER WAY YOU WILL BE RIGHT. That is what is so SPECIAL! It is your agreement with reality and all that is possible that determines what you'll become. If you are convinced that you will never lose those 10 pounds of weight or you will never become the person you want yourself to be, you will act upon that inner conviction that prevents you from manifesting what you would really like to do.

So have fun with an open mind and believe that anything and everything is possible. Never close yourself off to the possibilities of what this life can offer you or what you can do for this life. Understand that what you do with your life or how you want to perceive it is your choice. But I believe that if you choose to open your mind to everything in life, you will be granted the miracle of opportunities.

Dyer, Wayne. Secrets for Success& Inner Peace. p.11-13.

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