Shine Your Light With Hope

Shine Your Light With Hope
Transform All The Energy You Possess With All The New Energy You Discover Into A Light That Shines Around You, Within You, And Above You.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Value Growth

One thing we must realize and understand is that in order to be happy, you must value growth. You must see life as a giant experiment in learning, and no matter what befalls you, you must ask yourself what kind of growth is being called for.

When we value emotional and spiritual growth, life's ups and downs have meaning; instead of bemoaning our fate, we can use every opportunity to become more of who we are meant to be. For you, that might mean becoming more assertive; for me, trusting more. But for both of us, whatever hardship we're facing can become an occasion for growth.

Where are you being called on to stretch beyond your current limits? Can you see the challenge as a chance for growth?

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